Questions about Rio Oil & Gas? We help you! | ROG.e 2024

Questions about Rio Oil & Gas? We help you!


Less than a week left for Rio Oil & Gas 2022, one of the largest oil and gas events in the world, which will be held from September 26 to 29 directly from Boulevard Olímpico, in Rio de Janeiro’s port area, with online broadcast.

Check out some of the most frequently asked questions from the public below and take the opportunity to plan:

1.How to get there?

The best way to get to the event is by public transport, through the VLT. The entire length of the Warehouses (Warehouses 1, 3, 4, Petrobras / 5, Utopia and IBP) can be accessed via Line 1, through two points:

– The closest station to Armazém 1, the only entry point to the exhibition and where accreditation takes place, is Parada dos Museus.

– The closest station to Armazém IBP – which will have an exhibition and congress – is Parada dos Navios.

2. What if I go/come back by taxi or app car?

The official point of boarding and disembarking of application cars and taxis at the event is at Av. Barão de Tefé, 34, in the Saúde district.

3. Can I withdraw my credentials in advance?

Yes. Credentials can be picked up in advance at the following locations:

– IBP Headquarters: between September 21 and 23, from 9 am to 6 pm

Who can withdraw: speakers, visitors and the press

– Warehouse 1B: on September 25, from 2pm to 6pm

Who can withdraw: all audiences

4. What are the opening hours of the exhibition and the congress?

With the exception of the first day, which starts at 9 am, the congress starts at 8:30 am and goes until 6:20 pm. The exhibition opens at 12 pm and ends at 8 pm.

5. Will there be luggage storage?

Yes. The event will have free luggage storage, which will be located in Warehouse 1, where registration will take place.

6. How to access the arenas?

The Young Summit and ESG Arenas, in addition to the Multi Arena – which will host the Arena of the Future and the Onshore Forum – are part of the event’s parallel program and will be located at the fair, between pavilions 2 and 3, as well as 3 and 4, and 4 and 5. To have access to the arenas, just have The face-to-face speaker or visitor ticket .

7. Who can buy the CEO Luncheon?

Set in the Kreimer Space, in the Olympic Boulevard, CEO Luncheon is a space where it will be possible to have lunch by listening to the main leaders of the industry – such as Daniel Yergin, Luis Henrique Guimarães, Petima Rangarajan and Omar Nizar – exclusively and expanding your networking.

Each session is for sale for BRL 240/day for anyone who has bought a ticket to the face-to-face or online Congress – or for the exhibition.

8. Is there a hotel that has a partnership with the event?

Yes. The official hotel for Rio Oil & Gas 2022 is the Fairmont Rio De Janeiro Copacabana, located at Av. Atlantica, 4240, Copacabana. Those who stay there to participate in the event will have access to discounts on tariffs. More information here. Still have doubts? Click here and access the Frequently Asked Questions about the event, or send your question to
