Rio Oil & Gas becomes an innovation platform brand | ROG.e 2024

Rio Oil & Gas becomes an innovation platform brand


Rio Oil & Gas, the leading oil and gas event in Latin America, is confirmed for December 1st -3, 2020, in an unprecedented format, entirely digital, and will hold a hybrid edition, in 2021. The changes, which were already expected for the event, were accelerated by the new coronavirus pandemic.

From now on, the conference stops being biannual to become the brand of a new platform, with recurring activities throughout the year, integration between physical and digital initiatives, in addition to innovation, with learning, business and entertainment walking side by side.

A 100% digital version

With a broadcast format, Rio Oil & Gas 2020 will bring three days of programming with immersive activities and virtual content – paid and free. The original agenda will be adapted for the new exclusive online platform.

IBP’s secretary-general, Cristina Pinho, will be the Chair of the Organizing Committee of the edition, replacing Hugo Repsold, who stepped aside for personal reasons. 

Migrating to “phygital”

Throughout 2021, the platform will continue promoting activities and, in the second semester, the digital experience of Rio Oil & Gas will be complemented by a four-day physical event, in Rio de Janeiro, with complete infrastructure, including studios for online transmissions and content creation, as well as coworking spaces.

In this occasion, Carlos Tadeu Fraga, CEO of Prumo, will take the position of Chair of the Organizing Committee, with Cristina Pinho as co-Chair.
